In the list below, you have all the official scrabble words that contain X. All these words with X are sorted by the number of points they give at Scrabble : so prefer words on the top of the list !
4745 words found :
- oxyphenbutazone (41 pts)
- hydroxyzines (38 pts)
- photooxidizing (37 pts)
- cyclohexylamine (37 pts)
- hydroxyzine (37 pts)
- hypopharynxes (36 pts)
- photooxidized (36 pts)
- psychosexuality (35 pts)
- extemporization (35 pts)
- isocarboxazids (35 pts)
- photooxidizes (35 pts)
- hexachlorophene (35 pts)
- exoerythrocytic (35 pts)
- extrajudicially (35 pts)
- cycloheximides (34 pts)
- hydroxyprolines (34 pts)
- hyperexcitement (34 pts)
- psychosexually (34 pts)
- isocarboxazid (34 pts)
- hydroxyapatites (34 pts)
- photooxidize (34 pts)
- hydroxylapatite (34 pts)
- contextualizing (34 pts)
- hypopharynx (34 pts)
- extemporizing (34 pts)
- lexicalizations (33 pts)
- cycloheximide (33 pts)
- extravaganzas (33 pts)
- hyperpyrexias (33 pts)
- hexachlorethane (33 pts)
- hydroxylamines (33 pts)
- hydroxyapatite (33 pts)
- excommunicative (33 pts)
- hydroxyproline (33 pts)
- exchangeability (33 pts)
... letter words with X :
Find 2, 3 or more letter words with X. These words containing the letter X can be used at Scrabble :